Can you believe that 4 weeks from right now we’ll be midway through RESONATE? Wow!

So, if this is your first year, what should you be doing to get ready for Camp Vineyard? Well, if you’re a camper, you should watch this video about your first day at Camp. Then, take a look at our What To Expect sheet – it’ll help you be sure you pack the things you need.

If you’re a counselor, go visit Counselor World right now! In less time than it takes to watch a new episode of Arrested Development, you’ll get all the information you need to make your first time as a Camp Vineyard counselor a success. Hey, even if you’ve been as a counselor before, it’s never a bad idea to get a refresher! We’ll be assigning teams in a couple of weeks, so if you’re an adult that ends up on the Clear Team, expect to get an email with another video from Camp HQ.

Finally, here’s the schedule for the week. Lots of games, lots of groups, lots of good teaching. It’s going to be a lot of fun, we can’t wait to see you at RESONATE!

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