We’re ready for Camp to be here (can you tell?), and there’s just a few last minute details you need to know before you depart for The Best Week of the Summer:

Registration Closes on Wednesday!
Got a last minute change? Please get those in by Wednesday morning. Thank you!

Schedule Posted!
Download the daily schedule here. If this is your first time, you’ll definitely want to take a look at it.

COVID Guidelines
Take a minute to review the COVID policies in the Parent & Volunteer Pack. We’re going to be screening Campers and adults at Check-In for symptoms (COVID-related and otherwise). Anyone who has tested positive for COVID June 15th or later or has had close contact with a known case on June 15th or later won’t be able to attend. (We’ll cancel their registration and refund any money paid without a cancellation fee, because that’s a bummer. We’ll even send them their T-shirt.)

Also, we’re giving out Spirit Points for completed COVID tests the weekend before Camp. Upload the result to your ACTIVE account, or bring it with you to Check-In. ​

Food Allergies – Download the Menu Here
We know some of our Campers and adults have a variety of food allergies. Woodland is a peanut-free campus, and we’ve asked that you don’t bring peanuts or snacks including peanuts in your bag. For those that have a gluten or other allergy that might impact their ability to eat the main entrees at meals, you’re welcome to bring some of your own food. Woodland has a fridge and a microwave in each dining hall dedicated to your use. Just put your name on your stuff. As always, there will be a salad bar at every lunch and dinner, too.

Water Bottles
Be sure to pack your reusable water bottles! While we won’t talk about the W-E-A-T-H-E-R (don’t say it, it’ll jinx it! It’s like talking to a pitcher during a perfect game in baseball), we can say that you’re going to be outside a lot and you’ll be thirsty! 

New Adult Volunteers – Finish Your Training!
You’ve gotten all the emails about it, so get that wrapped up this weekend if you haven’t already. You’ll get another email from us this coming weekend if you haven’t completed your training by then. If you’re missing your training link or you think you didn’t receive it, let us know at

Also, we’ve had some adults ask us for their team assignments. We’ll be sending out a link to the pdf on Friday. Campers have to wait until they get to Check-In to find out their teams.​

That’s it! T-minus 7 days until the Best Week of the Summer – see you at Check-In!