Resonate Promo Video Posted

Just uploaded the promo video for Resonate! Check it out: You can download HD and Mobile versions, and be sure to share it on facebook! Right-Click and select “Save Link As” to download the...

Registration for RESONATE opens March 1st!

We’re going to need bigger adjectives to describe how excited we are to start making announcements about Camp Vineyard 2013 – RESONATE! Here’s the run-down: Speaker: Phil Strout – National Director of the Vineyard (You read that right!)...

New Year, New Regions, What’s Next?

Every part of the Vineyard movement in the US is feeling the change as the re-drawing of our regions takes effect. And even here at Camp Vineyard, we feel the shift. In some ways, this couldn’t come at a better time for us – we have plans in place to add a...

Camp Vineyard Returns in 2013!

Here’s a little something to get you excited for next year: Youth leaders – Be sure June 24-28th, 2013 are marked out for Camp Vineyard on your church calendar, and download this video to use with your group. It’s only October, but we have more,...

Living in the FUTURE!

You may have noticed a few changes on It’s still August, Kinetic was only 2 months ago, but we’re already in the planning stages for Camp Vineyard 2013! We’re going to have exciting new Neat! Groups, fun new games, and maybe even a...

Schedule for Kinetic Posted!

Hot of the presses (or at least the Illustrator file), it’s the daily schedule for Kinetic! If you’ve been to camp before, this should look pretty familiar. Anything in Red is in the Chapel, meals are in the dining halls, Canteens are at the Camp Store,...

The Value of Camp, pt. 2

In the second part of our conversation with Jeff, we asked him about the benefits of coming to camp for your church’s youth ministry, volunteer team, and your kids. CV: I want to talk for a minute about local churches. Say you’re talking to a senior pastor...

The Value of Camp, pt. 1

We sat down with Jeff Anderle, senior pastor of Vineyard Chattanooga and a former youth pastor to get his perspective on Camp Vineyard’s importance for a local church, the southeast region, and even the Vineyard as a whole. Here’s the first part of our...

New Neat! Group: Talk to Steve!

We’re excited about this one: If you’re seriously thinking about making ministry your profession, you need to talk to Steve, because he wants to talk to you! Whether you’re considering being a pastor, church planter, missionary, or any other field of...

Kinetic Promo Video Posted!

We just uploaded the promo video for Kinetic! Check it out: You can download HD, SD, and Mobile versions of the video, and be sure to share it on facebook! Right-click and select “Save Link As” to download the...