Amplify SE Schedule!

(Click to enlarge) Notice something missing? That’s right, there’s no HvZ this year. Instead, during The Final Hangout, we’re going to hold the first ever Junior and Senior Ultimate Quidditch World Cup! We’ll pick the 2 Junior Camper teams and...

Protips for Counselor World Training

Our own Ramon Bermudez, part of the CVFL team, had a great idea for you group leaders trying to get your volunteers trained up for Camp: Buy pizza and get together on a Saturday afternoon to do all the training at once! I have to agree, having finished the new version...

Amplify Announcement Slides

For Pro Presenter, PowerPoint, MediaShout, or old lady with a transparency machine. Whatever floats your boat. Standard Def files are best for 4:3 projection, High Def files are best for 16:9. Southeast Florida

What’s that? Two Camp Vineyards?!

Update: Registration for CV Southeast and CV Florida are now open! That’s right! Camp Vineyard Florida is kicking off this July! We couldn’t be more excited about launching our first-ever second site for Camp Vineyard. We’ve been working since 2012...

One week until RESONATE!

Ok, so it’s more like 9 days, but we couldn’t wait until Monday! We’re in the home stretch, and a lot of you are starting your packing lists. So, we wanted to remind everyone where they can get the info on what to pack, as well as the release forms...

4 Weeks and Counting!

Can you believe that 4 weeks from right now we’ll be midway through RESONATE? Wow! So, if this is your first year, what should you be doing to get ready for Camp Vineyard? Well, if you’re a camper, you should watch this video about your first day at Camp....