That’s right, just two weeks until the Best Week of the Summer! We’ve got a couple of important pieces of info as we hit the home stretch.
Menu and Food Allergies – Download the Menu here
We know some of our Campers and adults have a variety of food allergies. Woodland is a peanut-free campus, and we’ve asked that you don’t bring peanuts or snacks including peanuts in your bag. For those that have a gluten or other allergy that might impact their ability to eat the main entrees at meals, you’re welcome to supplement what you can eat from the menu with your own food. Woodland has a fridge and a microwave in each dining hall dedicated to your use. Just put your name on your stuff. As always, there will be a salad bar at every lunch and dinner, too.
Schedule Posted!
Check out this year’s schedule (click to enlarge):

The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that we moved up the Closing Session on Friday by 30 minutes. We know some of our groups have long drives and are anxious to get on the road, but we don’t want you to miss out. After a week of craziness, (ok, and after a little more craziness with the final scores), it’s a very special moment when the entire week culminates in Communion and a blessing as we go out the door.
If it’s your first time at Camp, take note of two things on Monday: If you’re planning to arrive between 11:45 and 1:00, we’ll be holding lunch service open longer that day. And don’t stress too much: If you get there at 12:55 and you haven’t eaten yet, we’ll work with Woodland to be sure you get checked in and get some food.
Also, if you’re a new adult volunteer or a returning adult volunteer that’s 21 or under, don’t forget about the orientation in Counselor World at 2:15. It’s a chance to get on the same page and answer your questions in-person before the week begins.
Forms, Volunteer Training, Etc.
If you’re a group leader or you’re a parent who registered your kids on your own, be sure their release form is uploaded to their ACTIVE profile. If not, you’ll need to bring the paper form to Check-In on the 19th.
All of our adult volunteers received an email this morning with reminders about wrapping up their training. Please jump on that this week, if you haven’t already.
Alright, that’s it, two weeks to go!