Waiting List is now Closed

The waiting list for Illuminate is now closed. If you were on the waiting list, you or your group leader will get an email confirming your final status within the next 24 hours. At this point, we won’t be accepting any new additions to the waiting list. Thanks...

Round 2

Round 2 of the Waiting List additions have just been notified. There will be one more small addition this week, and then we’ll be set. Either way, we will be in touch to let you know your status by Friday. Thanks again for your patience!

5 Weeks to go!

We’re a mere 5 weeks away from kicking off the best week of Camp Vineyard ever. Camp HQ is buzzing as we finish putting together all the great events and games that will be going on at Illuminate. With all of that activity, we have a few things we want to let...

Back to Normal

For those that don’t follow the camp facebook page, you may be wondering why communication has been a little slow in the last week.  My wife and I have been with her family in St Louis, following the death of her grandmother.  We appreciate all the thoughts and...

First Round of Additions

We’re sending emails to the first set of folks we’re able to move off the waiting list and onto the registration system.  If you don’t get an email from us today, don’t despair just yet.  There’s going to be at least one more round of additions, and we’re working a...

Waiting List is Open!

With 7 weeks to go, we’ve already hit our registration limit! Wow! Now, if you didn’t get registered before it filled up, don’t worry.  We’re doing all we can to make room for as many people as possible at Illuminate.  There will definitely be...